Call for Submissions
We encourage researchers, scholars, practitioners, and professionals in all facets of Geographic Information Science and Technology, and applications thereof, to present their ongoing research, to showcase business and administrative GI solutions, to network with colleagues, and to explore the latest developments in the field. We explicitly invite young researchers to submit their contributions in line with the conference topics.
Topics of interest for paper submission include:
*The AGIT conference offers oral presentation sessions, keynote sessions, a poster pitch session, as well as conference workshops. The main language of the conference is English to provide an exchange forum for the national and international GIS&T-community. Still, some special interest group sessions will require German language skills (e.g. for innovations in Geoinformatics for governmental areas in the DACH region). Hence, there will be sessions held in English and sessions held in German, which will be indicated accordingly in the conference program.
Submission Tracks
Short paper Track
2000 to 3000-word manuscripts of original and unpublished research work as well as high-quality scientific and strategic (industrial and governmental) submissions will be accepted for presentation at the AGIT conference and published open-access in the AGIT conference series Journal (of University Library of PLUS). Each submission will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee.
After the conference, selected short papers will be invited by the Program Committee to submit a Full Paper to a special issue of the journal gis.Science. The SI will be published in October 2025.
Abstract Track
Abstracts for the following categories can be submitted as Extended Abstracts (400-600 words) using the Easychair system (unformatted). All abstracts will be reviewed by the General Chairs and the Program Committee.
- Poster (digital): Presentation for the poster-session: Eligible formats for posters are Storymaps and jpg or pdf files (max. 15 MB) designed for 16:9 format (compulsory; landscape orientation for on-screen viewing). Minimum resolution for jpg is 1920 x 1080, using a low compression / high quality setting.
- Short presentation (Pitch): This can contain reports, work in progress (workbench reports), or already finished (more applied) projects. Length of a pitch: four minutes.
- Workshops: Duration of a workshop: 75 minutes, you are allowed to design your own workshop. The abstract should include, among other things, the following: content, duration (number of 75-minute slots), workshop format and target audience.
Submission Instructions
Please choose a kategory in the submission process. Abstracts, Posters, Pitches and Workshops can be submitted using EasyChair directly and unformatted. Short papers should be submitted as PDF via EasyChair system using the Overleaf Template.
All short paper submission to AGIT should follow the instructions for authors and use the AGIT LaTeX template. The AGIT review process is double-blind, so please do not include any identifying information in the paper PDF.
Authors who are unfamiliar with LaTeX, but keen to try, are highly encouraged to use Overleaf, an online LaTeX editor that is easy to use and does not require any local installation. Overleaf comes with the AGIT template pre-loaded. Authors who want to use other text editors should stay close to the sample article’s layout for their paper submitted for review. Should their papers be accepted for publication, they have to be converted to LaTeX using the AGIT template. Authors are responsible for the conversion of their papers to LaTeX.
Key Dates and Deadlines
- Short paper submission deadline: March 1st, 2025
- Abstract submission for a short presentation deadline: April 1st, 2025
- Abstract submission for a workshop: April 1st, 2025
- Abstract submission for a poster: June 1st, 2025