Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS
University of Salzburg
Hellbrunner Strasse 34
5020 Salzburg

Phone: +43 (0)662 8044-7510
Fax: +43 (0)662 8044-182

Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Josef Strobl
Conception & Realisation: Julia Stepan, Ursula Witzmann-Müller, Julia Wegmayr, Bernhard Zagel (Z_GIS)

Proprietary Rights Acknowledgment

© Copyright 2014 Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS, Austria. All rights reserved. All texts, images, figures, video, animation and sound data and their arrangements are the exclusive property of Z_GIS, and any  respective copyright owner. This work is protected under the Austrian copyright law and other international copyright treaties and conventions. The data and the content of the website must not be copied, changed and placed on other websites for commercial use. We acknoledge that some images posted herein are provided by a respective third party and subject to their copyrights.


All labels, logos and trademarks can only be used with the expressly permission of Z_GIS or the respective third party.


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Data protection

Z_GIS reserves the rights to request personal information. The response is optional. All inquiry, processing and use of your personal information is subject to data protection laws and regulations.

Warranty and limitations of liability

The home page has been produced for informational purposes and without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability of the content. This website was produced with utmost diligence. However, Z_GIS shall not be held liable for errors and or inaccuracy of any kind. Z_GIS shall also not be held liable for direct, indirect, or consequential damages related to your decision to use any of the information and/or materials listed and/or posted on this webpage.

Links, Deep-Links and Frames

Direct and indirect links to other Internet sites, that are not subject of the responsibility of the Z_GIS, do not imply that Z_GIS adopts the content of the respective websites. Z_GIS expressly states that these websites did not contain any illegal information at the time of linking. Z_GIS further does not cannot exert any direct influence on the current or future content of these linked webpages and dissociates from any changes executed after the linking to the respective site. The setting of links to subpages and sublistings of GI_Forum or AGIT webpages (“Deep-Links”) as well as the integration of GI_Forum or AGIT webpages in frames need expressly permission in writing by Z_GIS.


Z_GIS compiled and selected links with utmost diligence. On legal grounds, Z_GIS acknowledges the following: the following links are not a representative selection of subsequent links related to the theme of the exhibition and it does not claim completeness and exclusiveness. Neither the listing nor non listing of a link represents a recommendation by Z_GIS.


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