GI_Forum 2018 – me | places | spaces
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A retrospect
Paying with a credit card, swiping the monthly pass at the subway station, or recording workouts with a fitness tracker all contribute to a detailed picture of our movement patterns and associated activities. Most of us constantly carry a mobile phone, which produces an even more detailed and continuous personal-level location history. At the same time, location raises concerns about privacy and security. The human individual is set at the detailed end of a space-time scale range: today‘s pervasive positioning empowers operational geoinformatics across scales. Human individuals were at the centre of attention at the 2018 GI_Forum, which took place from July 3 – 6 in Salzburg, Austria.
Almost 1,000 participants from 35 countries could choose from 17 sessions, 4 workshops and 7 special sessions in GI_Forum alone. Many of these participants are young researchers gathering their first conference participation, presentation and journal publication experiences.
GI_Forum 2018, the 12th annual conference along with its sister conference, AGIT, was held at the University of Salzburg, Austria. It was organised by the University of Salzburg, under the coordination of the Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS and in cooperation with the GIScience Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Special Sessions 2018
Big Earth Data: From Data to Information | Digital Humanities : Spatial Perspectives | Participatory Disaster Management: Fusing Remote Sensing Data with User-generated Geo-data | Spatial Perspectives on Healthy Mobility | Spatial Simulation | Urban Geoinformatics: Citizen Engagement and VGI Analytics for Smart Cities | Urban Green Belts Synergy Workshop
Keynote Speakers 2018
This year’s keynotes came from both academia and industry: Anthony Robinson from The Pennsylvania State University, Jochen Albrecht and Laxmi Ramasubramanian, both from City University of New York – Hunter College, Joseph Francica (Pitney Bowes) and Sandeep Singhal (Google) shared their views of advances in GIScience and Technology with lecture halls full of participants willing to engage in lively discussion. Peter Bol from Harvard University gave a keynote for the special session on Digital Humanities. The panel discussion on location privacy was the closing session of the GI_Forum 2018.
2018 Awards
This year’s best student paper presented at the conference was awarded to Florian Ledermann, TU Vienna for his contribution entitled “Analysing Digital Maps Online: A Reverse Engineering Approach“. Julia Schmitz, Jonas Pieper, Natalie Baier, Verena Vogt und Jürgen Schweikart of Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin won the competition for best poster. Luke Clasper and Marijke Bekkema presented their contributions as winners of the UNIGIS International Association Award. Rafael Titz was awarded this year’s Esri grant.
GI_Forum Journal
GI_Forum publishes high quality original research across the transdisciplinary field of Geographic Information Science (GIScience) in two issues annually. The journal provides a platform for dialogue among GI-Scientists and educators, technologists and critical thinkers in an ongoing effort to advance the field and ultimately contribute to the creation of an informed GISociety. Submissions concentrate on innovation in education, science, methodology and technologies in the spatial domain and their role towards a more just, ethical and sustainable science and society. GI_Forum implements the policy of open access publication following a double-blind peer review process through an international team of established scientists and field experts for quality assurance. Special emphasis is put on actively supporting young scientists through formative reviews of their submissions. Only English language contributions are considered for publication.