Thank you very much for being part of GI_Salzburg23. We had interesting, interactive and successful days in Salzburg! Impressions can be found in the photo album. The English contributions of GI_Forum Journal Issue 1 can be found online, as well as the German-language AGIT contributions.

Have fun browsing.

You can download our program folder 2023 > here.

GI_Salzburg23 – A recap: Quality – people – location

These are the three keywords we hear again and again when we ask participants what makes GI_Salzburg so special for them. This year was no exception: 650 participants from 29 countries met – for once not in tropical-like temperatures – from July 4 – 6 for GI_Salzburg23 at the Faculty of Natural & Life Sciences of the University of Salzburg. In total, the international audience could choose from about 50 sessions with over 140 speakers. Topics around mobility & climate change set the tone.

For years, participants have appreciated the comfortable and familiar atmosphere, in which one can easily get into conversation with colleagues and experts. When asked about the take-aways of the conference, participants named keywords such as “exchange of ideas”, “thematic diversity”, and “versatile food for thought” as their highlights. We are very happy about that.

One trend we have picked up again this year is the “rejuvenation” of our conference. Our student ticket is very popular, as well as the Youth Forum with its successful “Meet & Match” format, and also the sessions around the topic of the first scientific publication. Here, specific questions from students were answered and assistance was offered. We see both formats as a fixed part of the program for 2024 as well. Exhibitors in particular noticed how interested “the young ones” were and how deep and varied conversations could develop at the booths as a result. In 2024, we will continue to expand the Youth Forum in any case.

Winners! Winners!

The “Best Student Paper Award” is awarded every year by the GI_Salzburg Program Committee. This year the prize (incl. EUR 500 prize money) went to Kilian Gerberding for his paper „Modellierung des Waldbrandrisikos im Zuge des Klimawandels am Beispiel des Nationalpark Harz“

All participants of GI_Salzburg had the opportunity to vote for the best poster. The 2023 winners are:

1st place

Nicole KAMP, “The solar potential of Styria”

2nd place

Jiao ZHAO, “The Basic Flavour Principle and Relations of Regional Cuisines in China”

3rd place

Lisa MANDL, “From mixels to information: Insights from multi-decadal virtual constellations of satellite data and temporally generalized spectral unmixing for sub-pixel analysis of forest ecosystem recovery in the European Alps”

We congratulate all winners.

Here you can find the poster gallery 2023

Dovetailing of science and application

The combination of scientific lectures and user-oriented workshops and contributions has always been considered a special unique selling point of GI_Salzburg. Some perceive this as an irreconcilable tension – as organizers, we clearly see it as an enrichment. Some 30 exhibitors found their way to Salzburg to report on their projects and collaborations. As an EXPO, which is deliberately not a classic sales fair, but focuses much more on networking, contacts, input and experience reports, the focus is on the ideas and projects that arise in personal exchange. We would like to thank all companies that participated in 2023 and contributed to a successful GI_Salzburg.

Feedback welcome!

Please feel free to share feedback, ideas & suggested topics for 2024 at

We would like to draw your attention to two additional interesting events in Salzburg in the next six months:

International Data Week 2023 Conference, October 23 – 26, 2023

IDW2023 brings together a global community of data scientists and data stewards; researchers from all domains; data, interoperability and informatics experts from all fields (including geoinformatics, bioinformatics, cheminformatics etc); industry leaders, entrepreneurs and policymakers.

This event will be an inclusive and celebratory Festival of Data, with in person and virtual components, highlighting the opportunities for the positive transformation of our world in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and other global challenges.

>More information